You unlock this door with the key of imagination...a series that was possibly the greatest TV show of all time, and the inspiration for a whole generation of filmmakers. That's right--I'm talking about The Twilight Zone.

Well, it's a Steven Spielberg movie, so it has to be good...right? Alas, this sequel to Jurassic Park hasn't stood the test of time in many people's opinions. The main reason most people remember the original is because of how it totally revolutionized digital effects, and it's hard to top that (will the sequel to Avatar go down a similar path?). Anyways, this film finds Dr. Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) from the first movie returning to Jurassic Park's island breeding facility with a team to document the roaming dinos and gain public support for them. Gee...this couldn't possibly go wrong at all, right? But it does, in more ways than one. Corporation workers show up, attempting to put the dinosaurs in a San Diego theme park. As the head villain says: "You already know San Diego for animal attractions. SeaWorld, the San Diego Zoo, the San DIego Chargers..." Um, okay, when I think of "animal attractions", I don't exactly think of the San Diego Chargers...
Many people have pointed out the logistical plot holes in this movie, and the truth is...they're not wrong. The villains actually think that bringing T rexes and raptors into a highly populated city will not go wrong whatsoever. Geez, haven't these guys seen any movies?
But the worst thing in this otherwise enjoyable movie was Ian's girlfriend, played by Julianne Moore. This crazy lady endangers everyone multiple times and most likely causes the deaths of several people by doing obviously dangerous things. For example, she gets close to a stegosaurus baby in the middle of a herd to snap some pictures and brings back a young wounded t rex child to bandage and care for in a small trailer right next to a cliff. Yeah. Does she have a love affair for baby dinosaurs or something?
But I'm getting off track here. My main point is that, despite all the things I just listed, this is one extremely fun movie. I loved the action and special effects, and one thrilling scene where the main characters are trapped in a trailer slowly dangling over a cliff (as implausible as that sounds) is absolutely amazing. But the most entertaining part of The Lost World by far is when a big momma T Rex gets loose on the mainland and tears much of San Diego apart. There's even a Godzilla homage thrown in, with Japanese businessmen screaming "This is why I left Tokyo!!" And that's pretty much what the whole movie is: a fun adventure. And on a side note, at least Ian, who didn't have much to do in the first film, is more written out this time. Though no one really cares about the character development in a movie about giant man-eating lizards, but oh well.